Making Bacon Off Eggs
“Tyra, who is 37 and originally from rural Idaho, is clear with any potential dates that making babies is just a business transaction for her—albeit an all-encompassing one. During her online chats with Tory, she told him that she had a son when she was 17, and she gave him up in a legal open adoption to close family friends who couldn’t have children. She stays in touch with her son and visits him a few times a year. While her job fulfills her, she’s adamant that she doesn’t want the responsibility of a child beyond a pregnancy—or beyond donating her eggs for IVF cycles, which she’s done 14 times since she was in her twenties. When Reeder’s not pregnant, she drives heavy machinery for a private logging company. She uses the money from her baby-making side hustle to travel to places like South East Asia and Zanzibar, where she has also donated her leftover breast milk to an orphanage.” Rachel Lehmann-Haupt: Portrait of a Professional Baby Maker.