Vlad Handing

“That’s going to be the test. I am not sitting here saying because the president and I agreed that we would do these things that all of a sudden it’s going to work. I’m not saying that. What I am saying is I think there’s a genuine prospect to significantly improve the relations between our two countries, without us giving up a single, solitary thing based on principle and our values.” The much-anticipated summit between Biden and Putin has happened. Here’s a look at what went down from CNN.

+ AP: The Latest: Biden, Putin work through summit agenda briskly. “President Joe Biden said he and Russian President Vladimir Putin agreed to further discussions on keeping certain types of critical infrastructure off-limits to cyberattacks. Biden also said they will have additional talks on the pursuit of criminals carrying out ransomware attacks.” (Working with Putin on cybersecurity is like hiring a car thief to secure your garage.)

+ Photos from the summit, including one long-ass motorcade.

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