“So far, the only person who has a coherent strategy for dealing with Putin is Navalny. He described it in a handwritten note he sent to Yevgenia Albats, a Russian journalist and close friend. ‘Everything will be all right,’ he told her. ‘And, even if it isn’t, we’ll have the consolation of having lived honest lives.’ He has already shown his compatriots that it is possible to live an honest life in a dishonest political system. It’s an invitation for others to follow. Dictatorships survive because most people are not willing to pay that high a price.” Anne Applebaum in The Atlantic: Navalny Has a Lesson for the World.

+ Plenty of Russians are heeding that lesson. And Putin is taking actions to teach the opposite. Russia arrests over 1,700 at rallies for hunger-striking Navalny.