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“In an industrial neighborhood on the outskirts of Bangladesh’s largest city lies a factory with gleaming new equipment imported from Germany, its immaculate hallways lined with hermetically sealed rooms. It is operating at just a quarter of its capacity.” They have the ability, they need the data. Countries urge drug companies to share vaccine know-how. If there was ever a time to work together, it’s now.

+ The Johnson & Johnson one-shot vaccine has been approved. It could be a game changer. (And we need one, because the variants are sending numbers back up in some areas.)

+ What we’re learning can be extended in some big ways. First vaccine to fully immunize against malaria builds on pandemic-driven RNA tech. “In 2019 alone, there were an estimated 229 million cases of malaria and 409,000 deaths worldwide. Of those deaths, 94% were in Africa, with children being the most vulnerable.”

+ Speaking of one shot, I love this venn diagram of the vaccine, Alexander Hamilton, and Eminem.

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