Feel Good Friday

“New Yorker Seth Phillips is one of the most hardworking protestors and humorous social commenters out there. He’s the face of the fabulously popular ‘Dude With Sign’ Instagram account with over 7.4 million followers where he uploads photos of himself with (yup, you guessed it!) signs.” I don’t know how I missed this, but I’m glad I’m in on it now.

+ “After making calls for several hours, Timmons said it dawned on her that help wasn’t coming. Nobody could come out because the roads were terrible and accidents were piling up all over.” WaPo: A delivery driver got stuck in a client’s driveway during the Texas storm. The couple took her in for five days.

+ After Janette Fennell was kidnapped and locked in a car trunk, she fought her way to Washington to make vehicles safer. The Hustle: How one woman changed the safety standards of the entire car industry.

+ With One Move, Congress Could Lift Millions Of Children Out Of Poverty. (This is not quite yet a feel good story, but it has potential.)

+ NYT: F.C.C. Approves a $50 Monthly High-Speed Internet Subsidy. (Jessica Rosenworcel, FTW)

+ “I don’t think I’ve ever had an experience in my career that has felt so promising and so fulfilling.” WaPo: The joy of vax: The people giving the shots are seeing hope, and it’s contagious.

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