Merrick Roled

“We begin with the people on the ground and we work our way up to those who are involved and further involved and we will pursue these leads wherever they take us. That is the job of a prosecution … The attorney general takes an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. I am mindful of the tremendous responsibility that comes with this role.” That’s Merrick Garland on his Capitol insurrection prosecution plan during day one of his Attorney General confirmation hearings. He’s been waiting about five years to be confirmed (even though back then, it was for another gig). Here’s the latest from CNN.

+ Neera Tanden confirmation to lead the White House Office of Management and Budget is in serious jeopardy after Dem Joe Manchin, along with Susan Collins and Mitt Romney align in the no camp. A Romney spokesperson says he opposes Neera Tanden confirmation because he “believes it’s hard to return to comity and respect with a nominee who has issued a thousand mean tweets.” (I guess a thousand is too few?)

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