Getting Some Nukey
To fight climate change, we need all the clean energy options we can get. Most experts seem to agree that nuclear power has to be part of the mix. And these days, those experts include environmentalists once opposed to nukes. “Diablo Canyon, which accounts for roughly nine per cent of the electricity produced in California, occupies fewer than six hundred acres. It can generate energy at all hours and, unlike solar and wind power, does not depend on particular weather conditions to operate. Hoff was especially struck by the fact that nuclear-power generation does not emit carbon dioxide or the other air pollutants associated with fossil fuels. Eventually, she began to think that fears of nuclear energy were not just misguided but dangerous. Her job no longer seemed to be in tension with her environmentalist views. Instead, it felt like an expression of her deepest values.” The New Yorker: The Activists Who Embrace Nuclear Power. Nuclear power has a bad reputation. What today’s version of it really needs is a rebranding. NewClear Power…