Worse for Wear
Atul Gawande in The New Yorker: “I wanted to learn about Minot because it was exceptional: it was in the worst-performing county in the worst-performing state in the worst-performing country in the world. But I also wanted to learn about it because it didn’t seem unusual at all: the city was divided over what to do about the pandemic, and even what to think about it. I wanted to understand what made it so difficult for people to come together and address a deadly crisis.”
+ “We’ve created a separate and unequal hospital system and a separate and unequal funding system for low-income communities. And now with Covid, we’re seeing the disproportionate impact.” NYT: Dying of Covid in a ‘Separate and Unequal’ L.A. Hospital.
+ Texas Rep. Ron Wright Has Died After Getting COVID-19 While Sick With Cancer. (Wright is the first member of Congress to die from Covid-19 related conditions.)