We All Need an Ax To Grind

“All three retailers report that the guitar was the most popular product they sold in quarantine. ‘Based on what we saw in 2020, one thing is certain: The guitar is thriving,’ says Reverb’s David Mandelbrot. ‘Orders and searches for guitars have been up significantly — including an increase in searches for popular guitar brands like Fender, Gibson, and Taylor — as well as searches for music gear that you pair with your guitar, like amps, guitar straps, effects pedals, and more.’ Both searches for acoustic guitars and acoustic guitar amps were up by 50 percent year over year.” Did Everyone Buy a Guitar in Quarantine or What? (This one is personal too, as I also grew up with David Mandelbrot, who is killing it as the CEO of Reverb; though I still think he should have listened to me when I told him to take the Gamestop gig.)

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