The Why 2K Bug

It’s almost absurd to call any plot twist unexpected after four years of plot lines, plotted crimes, alleged plots, subplots, comic plots, and tragic plots that seemed to bounce around as much as the average news consumer’s blood pressure. After months working out the details and finally agreeing on a stimulus plan that was largely negotiated while the president was holed up with the craziest of the dead-enders plotting ways to overthrow the election, Trump threw a last minute wrench into the ready to be signed deal as he complained about the waste in the package and insisted that instead of $600 in direct payments, qualified Americans should be getting $2000. How is this plot twist not like the others? “Some of President Donald Trump’s least favorite people in the world—including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez—have thrown their support behind his unexpected demand for $2,000 stimulus checks.” For now, the plotz thickens.

+ Axios provides an overview of why the president might be making this move. (Hint: We’re talking about Trump again.)

+ “The items jammed into the bill are varied and at times bewildering. The bill would make it a felony to offer illegal streaming services. One provision requires the C.I.A. to report back to Congress on the activities of Eastern European oligarchs tied to President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia. The federal government would be required to set up a program aimed at eradicating the murder hornet and to crack down on online sales of e-cigarettes to minors.” The NYT on the weird stuff and unrelated giveaways buried in the pandemic aid bill.

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