Defend America, Not Trump

“Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller ordered a Pentagon-wide halt to cooperation with the transition of President-elect Biden, shocking officials across the Defense Department, senior administration officials tell Axios.” This is fully crazy.

+ Here’s Michael Flynn on Newsmax saying that Trump could order “military capabilities” to swing states and “rerun an election in each of those states.” Uh, pardon me? (Sidenote: We could get a slew of new pardons before the weekend.)

+ An outraged Gov Brian Kemp blasts pro-Trump conspiracy theorists harassing his family. “It has gotten ridiculous — from death threats, (claims of) bribes from China, the social media posts that my children are getting. We have the ‘no crying in politics rule’ in the Kemp house. But this is stuff that, if I said it, I would be taken to the woodshed and would never see the light of day.” This is the problem of creating monsters. They don’t stop when you say stop.

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