ICU But I Can’t Help U
“Hospitals serving more than 100 million Americans reported having fewer than 15 percent of intensive care beds still available as of last week.” NYT: ‘There’s No Place for Them to Go’: I.C.U. Beds Near Capacity Across U.S.
+ AP: US virus deaths hit record levels with the holidays ahead.
+ Duke Coach Mike Krzyzewski on whether the current college basketball schedule makes sense: “People are saying the next six weeks are going to be the worst. To me, it’s already pretty bad. On the other side of it, there are these vaccines that are coming out. By the end of the month, 20 million vaccine shots will be given. By the end of January or in February, another 100 million. Should we not reassess that? See just what would be best?” How can every organization, political and otherwise, not be asking the same question. The end is in sight. Why die waiting for it?
+ Peple with a history of bad allergies are having a negative reaction to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine.