Bottom of the News

Most cities plant only male trees because it’s expensive to clear up the fruit that falls from female trees. Male trees release pollen, and that’s one of the reasons your hay fever is getting worse … All of the ten best-selling books of the last decade had female protagonists … The inventor of the pixel died in 2020 aged 91. He always regretted making pixels square, describing the decision as “something very foolish that everyone in the world has been suffering from ever since.” These and more interesting facts and findings are on Tom Whitwell’s always fun list: 52 things I learned in 2020.

+ You loved Rogan, The Weeknd—and gardening playlists. Here’s what you played on Spotify in 2020.

+ Grünten statue: Mystery over missing phallic landmark. (I’m pretty sure this is a metaphor for something having to do with me, so I’m just gonna start looking for tomorrow’s stories…)

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