Selfie Esteem

The altruistic mask-wearing pitch didn’t seem to work for many Americans. So we’ll try another tack. It turns out that wearing masks is not only a remarkably easy way to protect others, it’s also a remarkably easy way to protect yourself.

+ “Many earlier coronavirus clusters were linked to nursing homes and crowded nightclubs. But public health officials nationwide say case investigations are increasingly leading them to small, private social gatherings. This behind-doors transmission trend reflects pandemic fatigue and widening social bubbles, experts say — and is particularly insidious because it is so difficult to police and likely to increase as temperatures drop and holidays approach.” WaPo: At dinner parties and game nights, casual American life is fueling the coronavirus surge. (Basically, any time you’re hanging out in a group, you’re playing charades.)

+ Stanford scientists’ computer model predicts COVID-19 spread in cities. (Stop with the indoor dining at restaurants.)

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