The Job

“A shortlist of our broken institutions can seem painful and overwhelming: the presidency; the Senate; the Supreme Court; government agencies that run everything from law enforcement to criminal justice to the environment to public health; the election system, including the Electoral College; the news media; our global partnerships like NATO; and finally, our public schools and universities — places that are supposed to reimagine lives. Fueling this decline and distrust are not only warring ideologies about the purpose of government, but also hostility to the very idea that facts and truth, as well as respect for scientific and humanistic knowledge, are the basis of a functioning democracy.” David W. Blight in the NYT: For Biden and Harris, Defeating Trump Is Just the Beginning.

+ Indeed, the victory is great. But this is no time to celebrate. We need to roll up our sleeves and get to work. But first, it’s time for a Covfefe break.

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