The Level Went Down to Georgia

The counting of ballots is almost complete in the Georgia nailbiter. But the election officials in that state better keep their fingers, toes, and calculators handy. It looks like there could be two Senate race runoffs in Georgia, keeping open the possibility of a 50/50 senate. “As of Thursday morning, with an estimated 95 percent of the votes counted, Mr. Perdue had just under 50 percent of the vote against Jon Ossoff, who had 47.7 percent. Under Georgia law, if Mr. Perdue falls below 50 percent, he will face Mr. Ossoff in a one-on-one election in January. There will already be one runoff Senate election in Georgia: Senator Kelly Loeffler, a Republican, will face the Rev. Dr. Raphael Warnock, a Democrat.” (Expect a remarkable amount of money to enter the state and for things to get really weird. After all, Georgia shares a border with Florida…)

+ In the House, the GOP did much better than expected. One of keys, “the success of their efforts to recruit and elect a more diverse slate of candidates.” In Ascendant Night for Congressional Republicans, Women Led the Way.

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