Steep in the Heart of Texas
As the country looks on to see if Texas will turn blue on Tuesday, people in the state have an even more pressing (albeit, directly related) matter at hand. “With new coronavirus infections surging and area hospitals already at capacity, medical examiners in El Paso, Texas, have received a fourth refrigerated morgue to temporarily store bodies.”
+ “Don’t tell anybody, but let me wait till a little bit after the election.” Trump told a cheering rally crowd he may fire Anthony Fauci after the election. (If Trump wins, it won’t matter if Fauci works for him or not.)
+ “Plasma Technologies LLC is indeed based in the stately waterfront city. But there are no manufacturing facilities. Instead, the company exists within the luxury condo of its majority owner, Eugene Zurlo. Zurlo’s company may be in line for as much as $65 million in taxpayer dollars.” AP: Trump admin funds plasma company based in owner’s condo.