I Can Fix It

“Seven months ago, zoom was a verb, my wife wasn’t my barber, and I’d never heard my father sobbing on the other end of the phone. In that world, I also didn’t spend my Saturdays volunteering at what may be the United States’ largest testing center for a novel coronavirus—but now I do. I look forward to it all week. Oddly enough, standing in a Dodger Stadium parking lot with Sean Penn barely ranks on the list of weird shit occurring in my life at this moment.” In GQ, Rosecrans Baldwin explains How Sean Penn Went to War Against COVID. And Rosecrans went with him (at least once a week). “On Saturday afternoon, I return home feeling better, lighter, more hopeful than I did all week. One of the young volunteers told me during an interview, ‘The thing I ask my friends: What are you going to say in a couple years about the part you played when shit went down? What did you do to make it better?'” (You can love or hate Sean Penn, but he’s getting it done when we need it done. I wish that could go viral.)

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