Flowers Delivered

“Flowers’ first three trials resulted in death sentences that were overturned by the Mississippi Supreme Court. His fourth and fifth trials ended in hung juries. Flowers’ sixth trial, in 2010, sent him back to death row at Parchman prison, where he might have remained had the U.S. Supreme Court not decided to take up his case.” If that sounds like a lot of trials for one crime, it’s because it is. Curtis Flowers “endured nearly 23 years behind bars, six trials, four death sentences and, most recently, months of house arrest for murders he always maintained that he didn’t commit, and for which the evidence of his guilt was weak.” His charges have finally been dropped. This is a 23 year story that somehow feels entirely connected to America 2020.

+ American Public Media has been tracking this case for years, including a two season podcast called In the Dark.

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