Social Distortion

“The social network, in one of its most sweeping sets of election actions, said it planned to bar any new political ads on its site in the week before Election Day. It said it would also strengthen measures against posts that try to dissuade people from voting. Postelection, Facebook said it would quash any candidates’ attempts at claiming false victories by redirecting users to accurate information on the results.” NYT: Facebook Moves to Limit Election Chaos in November. (Remember when we invented social networking and we discussed how a single platform could ultimately hold the keys to American democracy? Me neither…)

+ “Campaigners have to teach a machine they can’t fully understand (because no one can) how to find their tribe. Then that machine finds people who seem similar, in ways nobody can identify, based on factors that no one knows. Then it interprets bids and places ads based on even more ultimately untraceable factors.” The Atlantic: How Facebook Works for Trump. (Pour in money and wait.)

+ You know the vitally important story about Nancy Pelosi getting her hair done in a salon in SF? Well, yesterday, it represented 13 of the top 25 stories on Facebook.

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