“Kenosha became the nation’s latest flashpoint city in a summer of racial unrest after police shot and wounded a Black man, apparently in the back, as he leaned into his SUV while his three children sat in the vehicle.” The phrase “apparently in the back” is a slight understatement. Jacob Blake was diving into a car (where his family was) and the officer fired SEVEN shots towards his back. Here’s the video of what could become the next massive American shooting story.
+ “But the last thing I know is Kenny called me and said, Somebody kicked that door in. And I’m thinking, Who would want to do that? What is happening? My head is all over the place. And the police aren’t talking to me or telling me anything. My daughter’s dead and they’re not telling me anything. And I keep wondering, Why would somebody do this? Until I actually learn on the news that the police did this.” Ta-Nehisi Coates in Vanity Fair: The Life Breonna Taylor Lived, in the Words of Her Mother.