Weekend Whats

What to Watch: Palm Springs is a fun take on the Groundhog Day story. Def a nice summer movie featuring Andy Samberg and the multitalented Cristin Milioti. Watch it on Hulu.

+ What to Doc: “In 1985, American DEA agent Enrique ‘Kiki’ Camarena was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered by Mexico’s most notorious drug lords. Thirty-five years later, three former cartel insiders share unprecedented details. This is the story of Camarena, the drug cartel he infiltrated, and the narc who risked everything to discover the truth.” The Last Narc is an amazing piece of journalism and a reminder that some of the stories we think we know about today will take decades to fully understand.

+ What to Note: Here are a few note taking and writing tools worth checking out. First, I love Tot, a simple menubar blank page for jotting down quick notes. There’s a phone app too. For more serious note taking needs, my favorite app is Bear. For longer writing projects, Ulysses is the most elegant all around solution. And for shared, living docs, check out Coda.

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