The Thrilla in Flotilla
The morning after being replaced, “Parscale arrived at Trump headquarters. The staff crowded around as he recalled the earliest days of the campaign, when he said it was just him and five others working out of the basement of the Republican National Committee. Parscale became emotional — “choked up,” as one campaign official put it — scanning the roomful of faces he’d hired to build an operation he said he was proud of. He said he knew that Stepien would lead the team over the finish line but that — despite what the press was reporting — he wasn’t going anywhere. ‘And then he literally just walked right out the door,’ the campaign official said with a laugh.” NY Mag’s Olivia Nuzzi with an entertaining look inside a presidential campaign. But not just any campaign. The Most Tremendous Reelection Campaign in American History Ever.
+ The most excellent Joel Stein: Trump’s secret weapon against Biden is — boat parades?!? “At a recent event in Florida, Trump said, ‘You see the boaters out. There are thousands and thousands of boats every weekend, and we appreciate it, but nobody has seen anything like it, ever.’ That may be true. When else have we seen so many watercraft organized for a purpose other than a military attack, a blockade or a way to share alcohol and blast competing forms of music until it all sounds like Kid Rock?”