The Dunk Tank

March 11th with always be remembered as the day Covid 19 got real for Americans (excluding those for whom it still hasn’t registered as real). And the central act of that day was the NBA postponing its season. Adam Silver made that decision, and in doing so, probably saved lives by motivating other organizations and individuals to take the virus more seriously. The NBA was also one of the first big leagues to come up with a responsible way to bring their sport back in a safe way. Players, coaches, and staff had to leave much of their outside worlds behind when they entered the Disney World bubble. But those of us on the outside aren’t exactly living our best lives. An enclosed island of virus-free human interactions sounds like a hoop dream right about now. Sports Illustrated: Adam Silver Opens Up About the NBA Bubble: ‘It’s Better Than What We Had Envisioned.’ (Those are seven words I didn’t expect to hear in 2020…)

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