Weekend Whats
What to Watch: Three identical strangers were separated at birth, and through a truly bizarre set of pre-internet coincidences, they managed to connect as young adults. And that’s the just the beginning of the excellent documentary, Three Identical Strangers.
+ What to Hear: “Who were the nine other women in Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s Harvard Law class? The justice remembers them all.” The excellent Dahlia Lithwick tracked down all the surviving female members of the class to tell a story of a very different time. The Class of RBG. And here’s a follow-up conversation Dahlia had with RBG herself.
+ What to Newsletter: Over the past several months, Eli London interviewed newsletter writers to develop a list of The 80 Best Single-Operator Newsletters. NextDraft appears atop the list with this review: “Probably the most important newsletter on the internet.” Aside from that woeful understatement, it’s a good, eclectic list, and it’s good to support the indies. That used to be what the internet was all about.