Prison Breaking Point

“Since March, the more than 3,400 incarcerated people inside San Quentin have been on lockdown; they’re barred from having visitors or making regular phone calls, and they have limited opportunities to mix with other prisoners. But Covid-19 found its way into the 168-year old prison anyway. The first case was detected in June. As of July 21, there were 869 active cases, according to the California Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation (CDCR); another 36 people tested positive and were released, and 1,173 had the virus but recovered. Thirteen men have died.” CityLab on the added urgency to decrease prison populations: The Imprisoner’s Dilemma.

+ Covid-19 didn’t exactly find its way into San Quentin. It was quite literally sent there. And the person who made that decision still has a job. (Someone could write a great book on the decision to send sick inmates into a healthy prison population, and California’s failure to stop what they could see coming the second the move was made.)

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