Bottom of the News

Earlier this week, Representative Ted Yoho (of Florida, which goes without saying) referred to AOC as a f–king b-tch. Today, he took to the House floor to deliver what was probably the worst apology in an age of terrible apologies. Seriously, this apology wouldn’t have been any worse if he just stood there and repeated the epithet over and over.

+ Ukraine Hostage Standoff Ends After President Agrees To Promote Joaquin Phoenix Film.

+ Here’s How Toilet Paper Companies Kept Up With The 845% Spike In Demand.

+ Venice is restricting the number of passengers that can board a gondola. “And it’s not social distancing that prompted the change — it’s the ballooning average weight of tourists flocking to the destination.” (I can drop this pandemic weight in no time…)

+ Faced with no crowds and not much to do, museum curators are launching a competition to see who has the best museum tush.

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