Double Jeopardy
“I first worried about the possibility of a double pandemic in March. Four months ago, it felt needlessly alarmist to fret about two rare events happening simultaneously. But since then, federal fecklessness and rushed reopenings have wasted the benefits of months of social distancing. About 60,000 new cases of COVID-19 are being confirmed every day, and death rates are rising. My worry from March feels less far-fetched. If America could underperform so badly against one rapidly spreading virus, how would it fare against two?” With your anxiety at ten, The Atlantic’s Ed Yong cranks up the dial. America Should Prepare for a Double Pandemic. (We already have a double pandemic. Covid19 and Trumpism.)
+ While we’re still focused on the one pandemic, a key debate is over the opening of schools. It’s been done safely in some countries. It’s been a disaster in Israel. And consider that Israel only opened schools after its case numbers were flat. “In May 17 in Israel it appeared the virus not only was under control, but defeated. Israel reported only 10 new cases of COVID-19 in the entire country that day. In the U.S., the debate often is about reopening schools where the disease is not only not in decline, but surging.”