Lincoln Slogs

“That’s what’s so fascinating about their quest. They’re not fighting to come in from the wilderness. The wilderness is a given. They’re just fighting to get rid of this one sun-hogging, diseased redwood — or orangewood, as the case may be.” Frank Bruni on The Lincoln Project and The Republicans Who Want to Destroy Trump. (Full disclosure: I donated to the effort and I’m glad I did.)

+ These folks are under no illusions when it comes to the state of their party. And they’re probably among the least surprised when it comes to the notion that the next candidate they’ll have to pit themselves against could be Tucker Carlson, whose popularity is only eclipsed by his disgusting views.

+ Fox News Condemns Remarks By Former Tucker Carlson Staffer. “We want to make abundantly clear that Fox News Media strongly condemns this horrific racist, misogynistic and homophobic behavior.” Bullshit. A thousand times, Bullshit.

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