The PPP Tape

We’re finally learning who got some of the bigger checks from the Treasury Department’s Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). We already knew a lot of deserving organizations got the money and used it to keep folks employed. And, of course, we expected many borderline companies to apply for the money because no one really knew (or knows) how long this thing is going to go on. But things get more interesting when we get a glimpse at some of the companies that took down the big bucks. “The recipients include many you probably wouldn’t have expected. Kanye West’s clothing line. The sculptor Jeff Koons. Law firms and high-dollar hedge funds. The Girl Scouts. Political groups on both the left and right.” (Going after the Yeezy money? At least PPP-Diddy isn’t on the list.)

+ “Grover Norquist, founder of Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) and the Americans for Tax Reform Foundation (ATRF), stridently argues against taxpayer-financed bailouts. Norquist recently signed onto a letter arguing that government spending was hindering economic recovery following the pandemic.” That said, Grover took the dough. Judd Legum with a further look inside the black box. (One day you’re against government bailouts, the next day the Treasury is your personal ATMinem. That’s Shady, Slim. Judd, way to Snoop, Dogg!)

+ ProPublica: Trump Friends and Family Cleared for Millions in Small Business Bailout. (That’s a Ludacris coincidence.)

+ “As much as $273 million in federal coronavirus aid was awarded to more than 100 companies that are owned or operated by major donors to President Donald Trump’s election efforts … Many were among the first to be approved for a loan in early April.” (It’s good to get the skrilla A$AP, Rocky…)

+ “Businesses tied to the president’s son-in-law as well as members of Congress got taxpayer funds. As did the elite D.C.-area schools where both President Donald Trump and President Barack Obama enrolled their children: St. Andrew’s Episcopal School, where Barron Trump is a student, got between $2 million and $5 million; and Sidwell Friends School, where both Obama children graduated high school, got between $5 million and $10 million.” I guess the elite aren’t so bad after all. Trump’s Small Biz Rescue Bailed Out Kushner’s Family, Obama’s Aides and Other Political Elite. In all these cases, the money only goes from being a loan to being a grant if there are no layoffs at the companies. So the end result is a net positive. Except for the small businesses who got cut off without so much as a 50 cent coin. (Not that the big players cared about that. Most of them have Ice Cube running through their veins…)

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