Surfin’ USA

If you’re wondering if and when the second wave of the pandemic will hit, you may be getting a bit ahead of the story. The question currently on the table: When will the current wave end? Because we’re still riding that wave, and it’s still gnarly, dude. “If things stay basically status quo and we continue doing what we’re doing, we’re going to continue seeing 25,000 to 30,000 additional deaths a month for the foreseeable future.” NPR: Coronavirus 2nd Wave? Nope, The U.S. Is Still Stuck In The 1st One.

+ “I think we were careless and we went out into a public place when we should not have. I think we had a whole ‘out of sight, out of mind’ mentality. The state opens back up and said everybody was fine, so we took advantage of that.” A Woman And 15 Of Her Friends Have The Coronavirus After One Night Out.

+ Oregon Reports 278 New COVID-19 Cases, Another Record, as Outbreak at Pentecostal Church Ravages Union County.

+ Six states reported record increases in cases, including Texas, Nevada and Oregon. Texas coronavirus hospitalizations surged 11% in a single day. Arizona is on the rise and so is Oklahoma, site of this weekend’s indoor arena Trump rally. And later this month, VP Pence plans to to Visit Texas for ‘Freedom’ Event at Megachurch. (Freedom from what? Reality?)

+ New Beijing outbreak raises virus fears for rest of world.

+ “Seoul’s continued difficulty in controlling new outbreaks demonstrates that governments need a persistent state of vigilance and a willingness to change tack as they attempt to reopen their societies — a state of affairs that many people could find every bit as difficult as the lockdown itself.” A warning from South Korea: the ‘fantasy’ of returning to normal life. (And their government is throwing everything they have at the problem while ours is pretending there is no problem.)

+ Remember the N95 mask shortage? It’s still a problem.

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