Feel Good Wednesday
“Chabra spends about an hour every evening watching his virtual pet, a golden retriever named Franny, via Skype. Franny lives in a farmhouse on the outskirts of Delhi and is looked after by a volunteer.” For just $40 a month, Indians can beat lockdown blues with a long-distance pet. (This makes me feel less weird about only interacting with my beagles via Zoom.)
+ Librarian uses drones to deliver books to kids stuck at home due to coronavirus. (My kids would leave the books outside and keep the drone.)
+ The Aunt Jemima brand is changing its name after admitting it’s based on a racist stereotype. It took them 130 years to come to that conclusion? “Aunt Jemima is a character that originated in late-1800s minstrel shows, in which white performers in blackface would portray a variety of racist archetypes of Black people as a popular form of entertainment for white people.”
+ Mountain lion slinks into San Francisco, seen near Salesforce Tower. (He was overheard saying, “Wait, isn’t this building a little tall for earthquake country?)