Nun of the Above

NYT Mag: Jon Stewart Is Back to Weigh In on the media, the protests, and his role in the discussion. “I don’t think it has ever had a good handle on a political moment. It’s not designed for that. It’s designed for engagement. It’s like YouTube and Facebook: an information-laundering perpetual-radicalization machine. It’s like p-rn. I don’t mean that to be flip. When you were pubescent, the mere hint of a bra strap could send you into ecstasy. I’m 57 now. If it’s not two nuns and a mule, I can’t even watch it. Do you understand my point? The algorithm is not designed for thoughtful engagement and clarity. It’s designed to make you look at it longer.” (I’ve gotta rewatch Two Mules For Sister Sara. I definitely missed something…)

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