The three least popular words of the social media era are: “I don’t know.” But, in this age of false certainty, alternative facts, and fake news, the unsettling truth is that even infectious disease experts don’t have all the answers. They don’t even share basic agreement when it comes to some of your most vital questions. One example: When should I send my kid to school? NYT Upshot asked 133 epidemiologists how they’re making that decision for their own families. The answers range from “Children are relatively safe” to “I think it would be really stupid to reopen the schools in September, given the present course of things. Really. Stupid.”

+ Meanwhile, some of the things we assumed would be no nos aren’t proving to be that bad. In Japan and France, Riding Transit Looks Surprisingly Safe. So that means Americans can hit the subways and buses, right? Not so fast: “Riders in both Tokyo and Paris have been wearing masks — a habit long ingrained in Japan anyway — and have been maintaining as much social distance as possible. Observers of Japan’s low transmission rate for public transit have also noted that transit riders there tend to travel in silence — significant since speaking is a very effective disperser of virus-infected aerosol.” Americans following guidelines, wearing masks, and keeping silent for the good of their fellow citizens? ROFL.

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