Something Something Something Murder

The most excellent Damon Lindelof has kindly offered to share a serialized story with NextDraft readers to help us, and him, through the quarantine. The first 13 chapters are here.

+ We’ll have more chapters next week. In the meantime, enjoy this self-quarantine story that has a Lindelof vibe to it. “Brent Underwood learned a tough lesson: Don’t spend millions on a ghost town in which you wouldn’t want to self-isolate. The 32-year-old marketer took sheltering in place to the next level when he became trapped in a California ghost town he recently purchased. The problem is: There’s no running water and a snowstorm has him trapped. Plus, it may be haunted. (At this point, I doubt there’s a parent in America who wouldn’t gladly trade places with Brent Underwood right now…)

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