The Buy and Bye
Across the globe we’re all in something together; weathering a shared experience and deploying familiar tactics against an common enemy. But even against an identical threat, the things that divided us before, such as borders and national wealth, still play a role in which part of humanity gets what. Purchase power is everything. You either make the buy or you buy the farm. NYT: In Scramble for Coronavirus Supplies, Rich Countries Push Poor Aside. “Scientists in Africa and Latin America have been told by manufacturers that orders for vital testing kits cannot be filled for months, because the supply chain is in upheaval and almost everything they produce is going to America or Europe. All countries report steep price increases, from testing kits to masks.” Dr. Catharina Boehme, the chief executive of Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics: “There is a war going on behind the scenes, and we’re most worried about poorer countries losing out.” That war has been going on behind the scenes since the beginning of time.