The Uncounted

As NYC leaders hope the crisis has hit a plateau, we’re only beginning to understand the toll of the virus. Some key reporting from Gothamist got the city to start counting virus victims who never made it to hospitals. The hospital deaths “failed to include many of the cases in which first responders encountered someone who had already died at home or other non-hospital settings. That happened 280 times on Monday, according to data from the Fire Department … a staggering increase over the average 25 home deaths the city usually saw on any given day … Over the last two weeks, FDNY officials said 2,192 New York City residents died in their homes, compared to 453 during the same time period last year.”

+ “The transit agency may have deepened its work force crisis by not doing more during the early stages of the outbreak to protect its employees and delaying some steps laid out in a plan the M.T.A. had developed for dealing with a pandemic.” 41 Transit Workers Dead: Crisis Takes Staggering Toll on Subways.

+ The NYC transit workers have experienced the most loss, but in a lot of places, public transit itself is experiencing a death spiral.

+ Speaking of essential workers, “major supermarket chains are beginning to report their first coronavirus-related employee deaths, leading to store closures and increasing anxiety among grocery workers as the pandemic intensifies across the country.” (People described as essential should be treated and paid in a way that reflects that description.)

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