Divided We Sprawl

“It is a striking turnabout for a system that has long been the great equalizer, a space where hourly workers jostled alongside financial executives. Now the subway has become more of a symbol of the city’s inequality, amplifying the divide between those with the means to safely shelter at home and those who must continue braving public transit to preserve meager livelihoods.” Even a virus can’t shrink the great divide. NYT: They Can’t Afford to Quarantine. So They Brave the Subway.

+ Nowhere is the divide more visible than on a chalk-marked parking lot in Las Vegas, a city where tens of thousands of hotel rooms sit empty, and the homeless are sleeping on concrete.

+ “Workers around the country are walking off the job to protest a lack of protective equipment, safety measures, even soap.” Is Your Grocery Delivery Worth a Worker’s Life?

+ Amazon Fires Worker Who Led Strike Over Virus.

+ Hospitals Tell Doctors They’ll Be Fired If They Speak Out About Lack of Gear. (It’s amazing that people who run organizations still think there are parts of this story that can be contained. This is not business as usual. And our heroes can say whatever the f-ck they want to say.)

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