Space Cadets

“For a brief moment earlier this month, it seemed as if social distancing might be the one new part of American life that wasn’t polarized along party lines. Schools were closed in red states and blue; people across the political spectrum retreated into their home. Though President Donald Trump had played down the pandemic at first, he was starting to take the threat more seriously—and his media allies followed suit … For the most part, it seemed, everyone was on the same page.” (Then unreality set in.) McKay Coppins: The Social-Distancing Culture War Has Begun.

+ Hopefully, everyone will figure out that this is not a culture war or a political war. It’s a biological war, and the virus doesn’t give a damn about your politics, and it certainly won’t use stupid recklessness as an excuse to spare someone. Liberty University Brings Back Its Students. “The decision by the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., to partly reopen his evangelical university enraged residents of Lynchburg, Va. Then students started getting sick.” (We need to expand the legal definition of manslaughter.)

+ Fox News is worried about legal action after misleading viewers about coronavirus. (Why do I have the feeling they’re not as worried about the related deaths?)

+ Trump said we’d have 15 cases going down to five and be open by Easter. Now, Trump says we’re closed until May and fewer than 100K deaths will mean he did a great job. The main function of the federal government these days is to convince Trump of reality. But, as the stories above indicate, the whiplash inducing policy changes aren’t filtering down quickly enough to save everyone. Here’s the latest from WaPo.

+ All these stories are the reason why I offered a new strategy over the weekend. Tell The F–cking Truth.

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