Feel Good Sunday
“Thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for your incredible and unwavering support. Your kind words, messages of encouragement, ideas for perseverance, and orders for books have taken our breath away.” Powell’s Books rehires over 100 employees after surge of online orders.
+ “When she told her coworkers at the MGH Center for Disaster Medicine the next day, a colleague joked: What about just getting married at the hospital? Her co-workers turned the offhand remark into an actual plan, executed in the midst of exhausting 12-hour workdays.”
+ A new program in NY is designed to provide free child care for those on the front lines of the pandemic.
+ America is stocking up on food, thermometers — and hair dye.
+ “People are panic-buying chickens like they did toilet paper.” (Hopefully, for a different use case…)
+ Toowoomba schoolgirls stay home to cook meals for health workers.
+ Krispy Kreme giving out free doughnuts to healthcare workers. (That might cause another kind of health crisis, but we can worry about that later.)