Suspicious Minds

“These White House sessions — ostensibly meant to give the public critical and truthful information about this frightening crisis — are in fact working against that end.” Margaret Sullivan: The media must stop live-broadcasting Trump’s dangerous, destructive coronavirus briefings. (I’ve been saying this for several days. Going Live Costs Lives.)

+ “A slow-motion disaster only now coming into view. When its true proportions have been measured, it will make the early government response look even more outrageous than it already seems. What’s happening here, in this country, was avoidable. Nearly every flaw in America’s response to the virus has one source: America did not test enough people for COVID-19.” The Atlantic: How the Coronavirus Became an American Catastrophe.

+ Why Asia now looks safer than the US in the coronavirus crisis.

+ FEMA administrator Peter Gaynor says more masks are being shipped from stockpile amid shortage. He couldn’t say exactly when or how many. But there’s a bigger question: Why not three weeks ago?

+ Africa gets emergency medical supplies from China’s Jack Ma. (Jack Ma is the new super power.)

+ And… Trump sends letter to Kim Jong Un claiming to be impressed by North Korea’s coronavirus response.

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