The Deadly Lies
It’s not our main focus anymore, but it damn well shouldn’t be forgotten, because it will end up costing lives. Look at this sick video of how Fox News has shifted its coronavirus rhetoric. And please view and share this calendared audio timeline of Trump downplaying the risk.
+ As for the virus in the Oval Office? There’s no cure. “I always treated the Chinese Virus very seriously, and have done a very good job from the beginning … The Fake News new narrative is disgraceful & false!”
+ The “China” virus rhetoric, which is heating up tensions with that country at a moment when we don’t need more tension, is also a classic misdirection play. Forget the tweets. Focus on the years of government dismantling and the months of ignoring this crisis. Graeme Wood: The ‘Chinese Virus’ is a test. Don’t fail the test. Focus on the Incompetence.
+ Meanwhile, people voted. Biden’s lead is in surmountable. Bernie assessing. 4 takeaways from the Arizona, Florida and Illinois primaries.