Feel Good Sunday

“As the U.S. braces for the pandemic — and as local track coaches lap national leaders in making responsible decisions about public safety — social media has pivoted hard to gallows humor.” And that’s a good thing. Stress relief and laughter strengthen the immune system.

+ Italy Sings Together During Coronavirus Lockdown.

+ How to wash your paws, in ten easy steps.

+ A Google Chrome plugin that lets you watch Netflix movies with others, remotely.

+ Distilleries throughout the country are offering bootleg free hand sanitizer to fight coronavirus pandemic.

+ LVMH to make hand sanitizer for French hospitals.

+ U.S. providers offer free Wi-Fi for 60 days.

+ Reddit Cofounder Alexis Ohanian Bought A Billboard In Times Square To Inform People About COVID-19.

+ How to fare-jump the subway, in a safe manner.

+ Sisyphus works from home.

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