All This For a Lousy Mill

“Of thirty current and former officials I interviewed, not one could recall a White House adviser as relentless as Miller, or as successful in imposing his will across agencies. These officials resented him as an upstart and mocked his affectations—his “arrogant monotonal voice” and tin-eared bombast—but few were comfortable going on the record, even after leaving the government. Miller is famously vindictive, and, as Trump runs for a second term, he is sure to grow only more powerful.” Jonathan Blitzer in The New Yorker: How Stephen Miller Manipulates Donald Trump to Further His Immigration Obsession. “He grew up in Santa Monica, California, the son of Jewish Democrats, but, by the time he entered high school, he had become a strident conservative. ‘He was going to a very liberal, diverse school,’ Megan Healey, one of his classmates, told me. “In a school where the nerds were considered cool, he was still the guy that nobody liked.'”

+ “The Trump White House and its allies, over the past 18 months, assembled detailed lists of disloyal government officials to oust — and trusted pro-Trump people to replace them.” Axios: Trump’s Deep State Hit List.

+ “In short order, he earned the respect of the entire intelligence community. They knew a good man was at the helm. A man they could count on, a man who would back them, a man whose integrity was more important than his future employment. But, of course, in this administration, good men and women don’t last long.” William H. McRaven, who oversaw the raid that killed Osama bin Laden in WaPo: If good men like Joe Maguire can’t speak the truth, we should be deeply afraid.

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