The Stent is Too Damn High

A couple hours into the UFC-like Dem Debate, Chuck Todd said, “We are near the end here.” When I heard that, I thought he was talking about America. There were heated exchanges about everything from communism to heart stents. I suppose the debate was effective in one sense. I went from fearing climate change to feeling like it couldn’t come fast enough. One other postive: My kids have totally started behaving since I threatened to call Elizabeth Warren. Let’s start there: Elizabeth Warren, unbound.

+ WaPo: This presidential race is a New York hate-throuple of white, 70-something males. (menage a nah…)

+ Ron Brownstein with the one aspect of the debate that may end up mattering most: “The consistent focus on Bloomberg, especially during the debate’s highly contentious first hour, meant that Sanders was left relatively off the hook.”

+ Before you draw a white chalk outline around Bloomberg’s campaign, consider the impact he had on the only thing that seems to matter in today’s politics. Mike Bloomberg’s Debut Hands NBC News the Most-Watched Democratic Debate Ever.

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