Bug Out

“His blood was pumped through an artificial lung, then he went into septic shock and his vital organs shut down. He slipped away on Jan. 9. This was no ordinary death. His passing was publicly flagged in an official statement posted by Wuhan’s city government and marked the first known fatality from a viral outbreak that has alarmed infectious disease experts worldwide since news of the illness surfaced in late December.” Bloomberg: Behind the Global Race to Contain China’s Killer Bug.

+ Vox: Did China downplay the coronavirus outbreak early on? Plus, from Wired: An AI Epidemiologist Sent the First Warnings of the Wuhan Virus.

+ More than 80 people have died, thousands are ill, worldwide markets have stumbled, travel has been curtailed, and one of the biggest quarantine efforts ever is underway. Here’s the latest on Coronavirus from the NYT and CNN.

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