Flame War
Remember when we used to worry that Trump would run a war on Twitter? Well, it’s sort of happening. And, according to Garrett Graff, that might not be such a bad thing. “Both Trump and Iran’s English-speaking foreign minister tweeted out Tuesday night that neither wished to escalate tit-for-tat attacks into a true war. Their exchange, what Middle East expert Ilan Goldenberg called ‘real time deescalatory twitter,’ came in the hours after Iranian rockets targeted Iraqi bases that housed US and allied personnel … The tweets proved a remarkable modern-day answer to the long-running challenge world leaders have faced in struggling to communicate between nations during unfolding crises—communications necessary both to understand adversaries’ intentions and to telegraph their own.” Wired: Did Twitter Help Stop War With Iran? Yes, this spin on social media borders on hallucinatory techno-optimism, but I’ve been on the hunt for a more convincing way to explain my own Twitter addiction to my family, and Daddy’s stopping war has a nice ring to it.
+ While Twitter may be preventing wars, Facebook’s where the real action is. Buzzfeed: Trump Is Running Hundreds Of Facebook Ads Praising Himself For The Killing Of Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani.
+ “The American people should be extremely grateful and happy no Americans were harmed in last night’s attack by the Iranian regime. We suffered no casualties, all of our soldiers are safe, and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases.” President Trump suggested that Iran appears to be “standing down” following a series of missile strikes on US bases in Iraq. Here’s the latest from WaPo.