White Knuckled Grip

“The barrage of daily headlines makes it easy to see this year’s incidents as isolated, as white noise in the background of our relentless political moment. But as disturbing as they are, these images portray the American story. It is our inheritance, institutionalized since the Civil War by a government that only recently, and tentatively, began to address domestic terrorism for what it is. White nationalism, legitimized by our president’s support of ‘very fine people,’ has flourished in part because of this refusal to look it squarely in its face and acknowledge it as homegrown. Without a full accounting of the reality, there can be no remedy. To look away is a form of collaboration.” A photo essay from NY Mag: This Is America. (Make no mistake about it, this was an unthinkably powerful decade for white supremacists; even the most optimistic members of the group never could have imagined a president saying “very fine people on both sides” or a guy like Stephen Miller pulling the strings in the White House.)

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