You Ain’t See Nothing
“When the decade began, tech meant promise — cars that could drive themselves, social networks that could take down dictators. It connected us in ways we could barely imagine. But somewhere along the way, the flaws of technology became abundantly clear. What happened?” The NYT looks back at The Decade Tech Lost Its Way. (Or maybe it was just the decade we realized we were all full of it when it comes to way we viewed tech.) But as disappointing as tech, particularly social media, has been in recent years, the truth is that most of us don’t even see the really bad stuff. The most horrific content is filtered out, usually by humans. If you think what you see in the internet can be a bummer, imagine what these folks are seeing. Casey Newton in The Verge: The Terror Queue. “Every day you watch someone beheading someone, or someone shooting his girlfriend. After that, you feel like wow, this world is really crazy. This makes you feel ill. You’re feeling there is nothing worth living for. Why are we doing this to each other?” (Some days I feel that way after all I’ve seen are a few presidential tweets…)