Weekend Whats

What to Movie: You think you don’t want to watch a sometimes dry, fact-based, movie about the writing and releasing of the Senate report on torture. But trust me, you do. This a great movie with an excellent performance from Adam Driver, and it’s a reminder of just how hard it is to get the truth out when people in power want to keep it hidden. If that’s not a timely message, I don’t know what is. The Report on Amazon. (Related from the NYT: “Drawings done in captivity by the first prisoner known to undergo ‘enhanced interrogation’ portray his account of what happened to him in vivid and disturbing ways.” And from The Guardian: “The Report is a surprisingly entertaining film. Most importantly, it shines a light on an important story in recent history, and if we hide our sordid mistakes, we will be destined to repeat them.”)

+ What to Read: “Knowing she had the legal right to die helped Marieke Vervoort live her life. It propelled her to medals at the Paralympics. But she could never get away from the pain.” A sad but beautiful and often inspiring story that is the culmination of three years of reporting. NYT: The Champion Who Picked a Date to Die.

+ What to Jones: “The blinds stuck, so he ripped them off the wall. A water cooler had mold in it, so he grabbed a large knife, stabbed the plastic base wildly and smashed it on the ground. Headlines weren’t strong enough; the news wasn’t being covered the way he wanted; reporters didn’t know how to dress properly. Once a co-worker stopped by the office with a pet fish he was taking home to his niece. It swam in circles in a small, transparent bag. When Jones saw the bag balanced upright on a desk in the conference room, he emptied it into a garbage can. On one occasion, he threatened to send out a memo banning laughter in the office. ‘We’re in a war,’ he said, and he wanted people to act accordingly.” NYT Mag: I Worked for Alex Jones. I Regret It.

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